In the heart of the Vicdessos valley, the colonies are transhumed from flowering to flowering in a wild mountain area to obtain a range of different honeys and vary the flavors.

The beekeeper will introduce you to the benefits of mountain honeys labeled Regional Natural Park and will introduce you to the world of bees through a transparent hive.

On the shop side you will find mountain honey: rhododendron, linden, heather, acacia, chestnut, honeydew.

And many other bee products such as black nougat, white nougat, gingerbread, homemade soaps, gift baskets.

As for visiting, it is possible to visit the apiaries located in the countryside on the outskirts of the village. Protective jackets are provided during the visit.

When the beekeeper sets up on the charming square of the beautiful flowery village of Saleix he can also refresh you by introducing you to local and artisanal specialties: Brouche beers, lemonade and iced tea from Pyrene, Hypocras and Sambuc.

Honey shop and shop await you in the beautiful village of Saleix.

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  • Values ​​Regional Natural Park


Ariège Pyrenees

South of Ariège, on the border with Andorra, are the Ariège Pyrenees. Between mountainous landscapes and activities, there are many [...]

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  • Values ​​Regional Natural Park
  • Values ​​Regional Natural Park

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