The Prehistory Park in Tarascon-sur-Ariège, is a 13 hectare park dedicated to families and located in the heart of lush greenery at the gateway to the high mountains of Ariège. There we took a wonderful leap into the past, a real travel through time to learn about the daily life of our ancestors, the Magdalenians (the famous Cro-Magnons). Come on, we'll tell you about our adventure on this site which is frankly worth the detour!
We start the visit from the outside with the maze of sounds. The labyrinth of sounds is a real sound immersion in the environment of prehistoric men. The sounds of animals mix with the sounds of nature… and it all creates natural music! We have fun getting lost in the maze of trails passing under waterfalls and reconstructed caves.
On the way, we stop at the hunting workshop for an initiation into thruster shooting in particular. The workshop allows you to understand the immense place of hunting in the life of prehistoric men.
The facilitator who is demonstrating is so passionate, we are in admiration and we are completely stuck to his lips throughout his demonstration ... We understand a little better how the Homo Sapiens fed 14 years ago (fishing, hunting, picking…). We won't tell you more, it's up to you to go and see it all in this cave!
We pass in front of the prehistoric camp before stopping at the Grotte aux Bisons, our BIG favorite.
By the light of our grease lamps, we find ourselves in this cave. It's cool inside, and we spend a very long time in it. Here, we dip our hands in the paint, we leave our marks on the walls, we paint, engrave and model what inspires us at the moment T.
At that moment, time stops for the 4 of us, and it stops at the time of the Cro-magnons!
Prehistoric park in Ariège © De Beaux Lents demains Prehistoric park in Ariège © De Beaux Lents demains Prehistoric park in Ariège © De Beaux Lents demains
Inside, we are immersed in the space of “Giants of the Ice Age”. Equipped with headphones we find ourselves facing animals larger than life: a huge woolly mammoth, a cave lion, a steppe bison… We remain fascinated by the realism of animals. We particularly like the fact that children have different content from adults in headphones. It's very educational.
Prehistoric park in Ariège © De Beaux Lents demains Prehistoric park in Ariège © De Beaux Lents demains
Then we go to challenge these Giants through new games and experiences. Not so easy to go as fast as a cave lion or to be as strong as a bison by doing a showdown with him!
We end the visit by taking a route dedicated to cave art with life-size reproductions of the Salon Noir in the cave of Niaux, or the cave of Marsoulas.
Prehistoric park in Ariège © Ariège Pyrénées Tourisme / S.Meurisse Prehistoric park in Ariège © Ariège Pyrénées Tourisme / S.Meurisse
That's good because we didn't have time to visit the Niaux cave, so it made us really want to visit it (especially with children!)
Our conclusion
The Prehistory Park is a captivating experience for the whole family, an exciting and well thought out site for children and parents.
It should be noted : Count the day to enjoy fully of the site. Shaded picnic area - catering possible.