Breeding of Merino Sheep, Wool and Meat.

Baptiste Miller and Sophie Pluquet raise a flock of 170 sheep in Haute-Ariège, in Appy.

Merino breeding in the Pyrenees remains anecdotal, because they are adapted to poor and dry areas, originating from Arles, France and New Zealand.

Being on a fairly dry massif, facing due south, these rustic and calm sheep have acclimatized well to the dry grasslands of the Tabe Massif.
They produce quality meat as well as very fine and soft wool.

Herd management:
In spring, they graze from mid-April to the end of June around the farm, between 1000 and 1200 m above sea level.
From the beginning of July to the end of September, the herd goes up to the high pastures, located on the Tabes massif above the Appy pond at an altitude of 1500m. When the grass allows, they can reach the St Barthélémy peak, at an altitude of 2100m.
At the end of September, the ewes return to the pastures around the farm until they enter the sheepfold in mid-January to prepare for lambing - sorting the mothers who will lamb, selling the lambs born in the spring and putting the rams on the empty ewes.

A small proportion of the ewes, 10 to 15%, give birth in the fall, the lambs are raised in the sheepfold under their mothers.
Sale at Easter: their meat is tender and lightly marbled.

The bulk of lambing takes place in February, around 130 lambs.
In the spring, the lambs go out with their mothers and then go up to the summer pastures. We sell them in the fall, they are called "grazing lambs", they mainly eat grass which gives them a tasty taste.
Their meat is tasty, tender and nicely pink.

The Wool:
Merino wool is known for its softness and fineness.
The color of the wool is natural and unbleached.
This wool is processed at the Niaux spinning mill in Ariège.

Different types of knitting yarns are available: skeins of pure Merino virgin wool of 3 or 2 threads, or cone yarn for weaving.
And again, naturally tanned lambskin.


Ariège Pyrenees

South of Ariège, on the border with Andorra, are the Ariège Pyrenees. Between mountainous landscapes and activities, there are many [...]

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Prices / Opening

Whole lamb or 1/2 lamb, cut and vacuum-packed: €14,50 per kg

By retail:
herb sausages, merguez, minced steak, sheep’s sauce

Payment method

  • Cheque
  • Cash
  • Bank transfer



  • Sale at the property
  • Sale in the markets
  • Shipped to your door
  • Withdrawal from a drop-off point

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