Ariège is ready to welcome addicts of fresh snow and spatulas, offering freeride skiing for all levels! A good freeride session leads in blank spaces and magical, from the ski lifts, contrary to Nordic skiing, which requires a significant effort on the way up (without the ski lifts). Do you want to explore the mountains differently? Looking for descents in pristine valleys away from the crowds? In Ariège, fromAx-3-Domains, Guzet, Ascou, or the Monts d'Olmes, it is impossible not to find what you are looking for!
safe on my skis!
Before leaving don't forget to:
- Consult the Avalanche Risk Assessment Bulletin (BERA) which can be consulted online on the website of Météo France !
- Take the essential trio: Shovel, probe, DVA (Avalanche Victim Detector) with new batteries 😉
- Take a first aid kit
- Go with a good friend
- Practice using your safety equipment several times in order to master them perfectly on the day of the outing.
- Knowing how to give up: the state of the snow, the weather factors, the physical form are the essential combo before going to ride.
But the ideal is to go with an instructor or a high mountain guide, they know the corners and the snow conditions, even if in the mountains you can never rule out the risk completely, starting with professionals is more security and a lot of fun !!!
Freeride from the big screen
Freeride in the cinema, it is also possible in Ax Les Thermes, during the winter explos festival, in February this event is the opportunity to spend a good evening watching adventure films, feasting on local products and meeting locals who are fans of outdoor activities. Friendly atmosphere guaranteed.
Little Wink
Leo Slemett, Victor Delerue, Marion Haerty, these pro riders who make us dream often pass very close to home. The Freeride World Tour frequently stops at Arcalis in Andorra and is the perfect opportunity to come and rub shoulders with them a stone's throw from Ariège?
Find your freeride ski instructor!
Skiing with Baptiste Sicre
Be careful, in the mountains the weather conditions change quickly, you can go from sun to fog in a few minutes, the lack of visibility, nightfall, snowfall are many factors that reduce the speed of rescue action. accident. (PGHM and / or Trackers)
Reminder: in the event of an accident, dial 112 and take the number of the resort's emergency services.